A Most Beautiful Garden



We spent a beautiful, idyllic afternoon at the VanDusen Botanical Garden today. The kids relished the open space and had a blast running amok, picking up little rocks and twigs, and using their “outside voices.”

There were gardens of all shapes, sizes, and types. The kids were captivated by the stone garden and the central lake with shooting fountain. We saw beehives, fresh veggie beds, a medicine wheel, mole trails, and fascinating monkey puzzle trees.

The gardens are stunning and very large, so we explored a little less than half today. Our favorite area was the maze made out of hedges. Syd was so excited when we told her about it, and led us through the maze like a champ! She remained undeterred by the dead ends she encountered and kept trying different paths without getting discouraged. It was one of those experiences that truly surprised me, as her parent, and added another layer to her character in my eyes. 


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