Tag Archives: Mama Files

New Year News

20131008-IMG_1168Well, it’s been quite a while since I last posted…an entire holiday season, as a matter of fact. Much, much has happened, and I’m excited to be back sharing my thoughts on all of it. The biggest news is that Syd has a baby brother now, 4.5 month old Nolan, whom she loves to cuddle and take care of.

For his part, Nolan is absolutely enamored of his big sis and I can already tell that she can do no wrong in his eyes. As tiring and overwhelming as the past few months have been adjusting to the biggest change in our family’s life, seeing my two babies interact with each other makes my heart so full to bursting with love and pride and happiness.

Sydney has really taken to the big sister/big girl mantle and wears it with great pride. Whenever I say “mama’s two babies,” she corrects me right away by saying “I not a baby. I big girl. I take care of Nolan, I take care of mama, I take care of Emma, I take care of daddy.” She never ceases to amaze me with her self-awareness and maturity.


The Language of Love

Sydney’s language skills have exploded lately and she’s so expressive these days, I love it! Sure, I don’t quite understand about 25% of what she says, but it’s still so insanely cute that it doesn’t even matter. Plus, I know that I’ll be able to understand her fully soon enough and one day will probably wish that I didn’t understand *all* the words that come out of her mouth.

Right now, though, I want to relish in and record the preciousness of her vocabulary and pronunciation. In particular, there are those words that she slightly mispronounces or has a slightly different version of from the actual word. I know the experts advise us parents to repeat them back to our children in the correct pronunciation, but most of the time, I’m getting such a kick out of her toddler-pronunciation that I can’t bear to correct her.

Orange = “oranges”

Twinkle (as in “twinkle, twinkle, little star”) = “crinkle”

Paci = “faci”

Mermaid = “wormee”



Potty Mouth

(Previously written post)

We’re in week four of potty training (end of June) and there’s been mostly progress, but enough setbacks/accidents to make me start doubting my decision to try this now.

Today, Syd said the cutest thing about her poop (“Cute” and “poop” in the same sentence? This is why I’m blogging about this and not posting on Facebook.). She looked into the potty after she stood up and said “turtle!” That particular poop did indeed look like a turtle swimming in some “water” (her pee). It’s fascinating what kids think of or associate, that I would never think as an adult. Looking at it more closely, though, I did have to admit that there was more than a passing resemblance of her poop to a turtle.


It’s now been almost two months since we started training, and Syd’s doing well overall. I’ve come to realize that because she’s still quite young, our journey so far has taken the form of “two steps forward, one step back.” The beginning was bumpy, as I would get my hopes up and convince myself that we were *this close* to completing training, only to be greeted with multiple accidents several days in a row. And I fully acknowledge that I did not handle them in the most graceful or patient manner. Now, however, after some really good weeks followed by some not-so-good weeks, I’m more realistic about my expectations. I put less pressure on both of us to show immediate success, and this has been a very helpful change in direction for both of us – much more healthy and helpful, I like to think.

We’ve moved from the child-directed approach (waiting for Syd to let us know when she has to use the potty) to a more proactive strategy (gentle reminders and incentives for trying to potty every 2-3 hours), and while the new approach isn’t the most compatible with Syd’s independent spirit, it’s alleviating a lot of the stress and frustration – for both of us – that come with accidents. In due time, we’ll be able to shift back to following Sydney’s lead, as her development continues to grow, and I take great comfort in that. Plus, I’m putting a *lot* of confidence in that saying – “no one goes off to college in diapers.” I mean, it’s totally true, right??

Daughter of Mine

(Previously written post)

Syd spoke her longest sentence today (Monday, June 10, 2013) – “I like to eat chocolate.” Oh, daughter of mine, there is no more appropriate sentiment to utter at 2:30 in the afternoon as you await your post-nap snack. However, as a mama who always attempts to feed my daughter healthily (note my very intentional verb choice here; we *have* been known to have toast for dinner), I opted to give Sydney a banana instead.

Chocolate isn’t in Syd’s current repertoire of foods, but we had some very tasty flourless chocolate cake at a get-together yesterday and we must have made such a (positive) fuss over it that she remembered she also enjoyed it. The funniest thing is that there was no chocolate in sight, nor did I mention anything about chocolate, when she made this declaration. It was another touching reminder of how spongey our kids’ brains are and how surprising the concepts they reflect are.

Oh, Terrific Twos!

My baby is now a full-fledged little girl! I’m still in denial of this fact, and suppressing emotions of sadness that the first two years of my eldest’s life have passed by in what seems like mere minutes. When did she become this imaginative, precocious, curious little sprite who now loves singing “cwinkle, cwinkle, litttle…how I wah wah…” and will let me know “grapes all done, mama” when she’s finished with her snack?

We celebrated this milestone with the few family members we have in the Pacific Northwest, and had a lovely, mellow time just hanging out and catching up. Sydney and my cousin’s daughter, who is about three months younger than Sydney, bonded over not sharing and popsicles. (Note to self: start every kids’ birthday celebration with the sweets; it’ll make everyone happier right off the bat.) We had dance party, and Syd rocked out in her special party dress and birthday crown. The best part, though, came when we gathered around the candlelit cake to sing “Happy Birthday.” Sydney was unabashedly delighted and perhaps even somewhat embarrassed by all of the focused attention, as if she couldn’t believe that all the fuss was for her. She adorably pulled a Sally Field at the Oscars, and covered her mouth with both hands to try to contain her million-watt grin and overflowing giggles. Ushering in her third year of life with unadulterated glee! I felt like the luckiest mama in those moments!

I feel so nostalgic and sentimental about these magical past two years, but they also have me eagerly looking forward to what the future holds for Sydney as she continues to grow into the beautiful, strong, kind person I already know she is.

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