Stranger Sparkle

The other night, as I was waiting for Mr. T in the lobby of the theater, a woman complimented me on my years-old cloche hat, saying that it “looks very good” on me. This experience happened after I had rushed into the lobby from the cold outside, feeling flustered and somewhat anxious, so it was such an unexpected, lovely surprise. Even better, the woman shared this compliment with such an open and joyful expression on her face that her spirit was infectious. In one year, I won’t remember much of the play that we saw that night, but the woman’s generous comment and the way it made me feel will stay with me for a while.

This experience started me thinking about that age-old saying: “the kindness of strangers”. I personally believe that there’s no downside to being generous with words and sentiment. Too rare, though, do I use simple opportunities to make a positive difference in someone else’s day. Even something as easy as appreciating someone’s accessory can be really meaningful to someone. So I resolve to be more forthcoming with kind words, even with strangers.

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