School Days

Since we returned from winter break, Nolie has really been loving school. When I ask how school was after picking him up, he most often says, “Good!”  Just this morning (a Monday, even), when he asked if today was a school day, he literally cheered “yayyy!” when I answered affirmatively.

I LOVE that he loves school, and I’m so happy (and relieved) that he is getting something positive and affirming out of his schooldays. I gotta say, when I look at the weekly pictures his teacher sends us, I can’t blame him for loving school!

Let’s Have a Chat

The kids are starting to have “conversations”! This is what we heard in the car today, on the way to dinner:

Syd: “Nolan. Nolan. Nolan!”

Nolie: “Wot.”

Syd: “I’m just checking to see if you were sleeping.”

Nolie (very adamantly): “I not sleeping!”

The entire exchange lasted less than five minutes, but I’ve already gotten more than five hours of enjoyment out of it. I’m so excited to hear what else they’ll be talking to each other about!


Getting All the Words

Nolie’s on his way to having full-blown conversations with Syd, stringing more and more words together. Especially words that he learns from his big sis, like “not yours,” which he figured out to link with “mine,” of course!

We love how descriptive he is these days too. “I dropped it!” when he dropped his fork in the middle of lunch. “I can’t reach,” lamenting his inability to place his plate on the counter right now.

As much as we love and are excited about his increasing verbal independence, I have really, really loved his babbling and incoherent sounds all this time. Knowing that he’s my last baby, I’m treasuring all the baby things so much more the second time around. With that said, I want to note his cute Nolie’isms before I forget any more of them.

– Hard “c” sounds like “d,” so car = dar, scary = sdary, and cup = dup

– Water = wa-wa; dog = dah-dah

– S is followed by h, so Sydney = Shydney; Snoopy = Shnoopy


Bathtime fun

Syd and Nolie love having bath together. Bath time’s not quite the relaxing ritual it’s supposed to be, but it is a lot of fun for the kiddos. Whether they’re pretending to be whales or playing with rubber ducks, they love using their imaginations together (and sometimes against each other). 

This was one of the sweetest bath moments ever.

In Constant Motion

I’ll let these pictures speak for themselves.