Feed The Dog


Currently, Sydney’s most favorite activity in the world is feeding Emma. If it were solely up to her, she would feed Emma at least five times a day. She has always been oddly fascinated with how Emma physically sustains herself, watching intently as she gobbles down her kibble and playing with/trying to drink from Emma’s water bowl (way too often for my liking). Hence, the baby gate around poor Emma’s food area for the longest time. It was only recently that Sydney’s physical capacity has matched her desire to play a larger part in Emma’s life.

The whole process just tickles me to no end, and I love-love-love watching her proudly pick up Emma’s food bowl, which is actually larger than her head, walk over to the dog food bin, fill it with a half-cup of food (with just a wee bit of assistance), then bring the bowl back to Emma’s placemat, and set it down. Smiling the whole time. Feeding the dog is such a mundane part of Mr. T and my days, but it brings so much pure joy to Sydney’s day that it’s now an event I look forward to everyday.

Let’s Chat

Sydney_20130113In the span of the last two weeks, Sydney has just turned into the most adorable chatty toddler I’ve ever encountered! Just yesterday, we had a minutes-long “conversation” – i.e. she talking and pointing, and I nodding while making encouraging sounds – where Sydney informed me that Emma had barked at a loud noise that had passed by outside our house.

It’s hard to describe how I felt in that moment, during what I think of as our first “real conversation.” There was mama-pride, delight, surprise, and amusement all mixed up together in the depths of my being. Sydney’s thoughts are now more available to me than ever before! She’s able to express them in ways that I can understand! Hallelujah! Does this mean her tantrums are over? Ha! Not even close.


As inspired and motivated as I was a month ago to maintain my new blog, it soon became clear to me how easy it would be to fall off the bandwagon. Like anything else that’s worth doing, it takes effort (surprise, surprise) and thought, both of which can be difficult to muster at the end of a busy day. That’s why I’m so thankful to have found a supportive group of friends who also blog and are passionate about photographing their lives. With just a few words, they have encouraged me to keep up my new hobby, and are living proof of its rewards.

At the end of last year, I started saying one thing that I’m thankful for as part of our family dinnertime routine. While there are tens of things we’re subconsciously grateful for everyday, it feels so much more concrete to vocalize it. It’s a way of thinking that I feel passionate about instilling in Sydney, and hopefully we are setting a strong example for her gratitude.

Today, I am thankful for the fire that my friends have lit under me to continue photographing and blogging life’s little moments!

Stranger Sparkle

The other night, as I was waiting for Mr. T in the lobby of the theater, a woman complimented me on my years-old cloche hat, saying that it “looks very good” on me. This experience happened after I had rushed into the lobby from the cold outside, feeling flustered and somewhat anxious, so it was such an unexpected, lovely surprise. Even better, the woman shared this compliment with such an open and joyful expression on her face that her spirit was infectious. In one year, I won’t remember much of the play that we saw that night, but the woman’s generous comment and the way it made me feel will stay with me for a while.

This experience started me thinking about that age-old saying: “the kindness of strangers”. I personally believe that there’s no downside to being generous with words and sentiment. Too rare, though, do I use simple opportunities to make a positive difference in someone else’s day. Even something as easy as appreciating someone’s accessory can be really meaningful to someone. So I resolve to be more forthcoming with kind words, even with strangers.

…And I’m back!

It’s been nearly 13 years since I last blogged and I’m the first to admit my rustiness in this area. My previous blog existed during a grad school semester abroad in London, and it was an ideal way to share my experiences and thoughts with loved ones. Since then, though, distractions and procrastination (Who am I kidding? It’s been 95% procrastination.) have taken me far afield of writing for myself and simply for creative pleasure. A healthy dose of self-consciousness and my private nature have also kept me from further exploring a medium that is inherently public.

But now I’m back! Well, more like dipping my toe into the blogosphere. My intention this time around is to create a chronicle of our everyday life and capture the little moments that always seem to pass us by too quickly. I strive to find humor and gain insight from recording these gems, share them with loved ones, and if possible, inspire others in some small way to capture their little moments.

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