Daughter of Mine

(Previously written post)

Syd spoke her longest sentence today (Monday, June 10, 2013) – “I like to eat chocolate.” Oh, daughter of mine, there is no more appropriate sentiment to utter at 2:30 in the afternoon as you await your post-nap snack. However, as a mama who always attempts to feed my daughter healthily (note my very intentional verb choice here; we *have* been known to have toast for dinner), I opted to give Sydney a banana instead.

Chocolate isn’t in Syd’s current repertoire of foods, but we had some very tasty flourless chocolate cake at a get-together yesterday and we must have made such a (positive) fuss over it that she remembered she also enjoyed it. The funniest thing is that there was no chocolate in sight, nor did I mention anything about chocolate, when she made this declaration. It was another touching reminder of how spongey our kids’ brains are and how surprising the concepts they reflect are.

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