…And I’m back!

It’s been nearly 13 years since I last blogged and I’m the first to admit my rustiness in this area. My previous blog existed during a grad school semester abroad in London, and it was an ideal way to share my experiences and thoughts with loved ones. Since then, though, distractions and procrastination (Who am I kidding? It’s been 95% procrastination.) have taken me far afield of writing for myself and simply for creative pleasure. A healthy dose of self-consciousness and my private nature have also kept me from further exploring a medium that is inherently public.

But now I’m back! Well, more like dipping my toe into the blogosphere. My intention this time around is to create a chronicle of our everyday life and capture the little moments that always seem to pass us by too quickly. I strive to find humor and gain insight from recording these gems, share them with loved ones, and if possible, inspire others in some small way to capture their little moments.

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