New Normal

Rainbow Drawing

So we’re smack in the middle of Week 4 of self-isolation at home, and fairly adjusted to our new normal, which goes something like this:

  • Mon-Fri @ home: Mom-school in session, (almost) all day, every day. Thankfully, Mom-school isn’t strict about alcohol.
  • Sat-Sun @ home: Family time all day, every day.

Sunny days are better. This Monday was an improvement over last Monday. And every day is different.

So far, the main thing I’ve learned from this experience is to take it one day at a time (literally!), and have no expectations for what any particular day will hold. For a Type A personality like myself, who loves to plan and schedule and be doing ALL the things, this experience has been akin to slamming on the brakes in the middle of the freeway. The skid marks sure weren’t pretty, but I guess we’re achieving the objective.

What’s been helping me:

  • Regular exercise, with the help of YouTube (a few fave channels have been: MadFit, Tracy Anderson for Goop here and here, and Sweaty Betty.
  • Weekly video chats with family and friends. I’ve mostly been using Zoom, which has a Gallery view that lets you see everyone on the call, and has fun reactions like clapping and thumbs-up. Their free version gives you 40 minutes before cutting off, but I’ve discovered that you can use the same link to re-start the chat. Little wins!
  • Supporting our local restaurants and enjoying meals that I didn’t have to cook.
  • Wine, wine, and more wine!

How are you doing out there? I hope that you are staying healthy and well.

One Thought on “New Normal

  1. Ame D on April 9, 2020 at 12:28 pm said:

    Love the rainbows!!!

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