Fun, Two Ways

Tonight, we pulled off a parenting genius! I am so excited because all four of us genuinely had a good and relaxing time, which I feel is harder to come by than one would think. Soooo, ready to hear what it was? Drumroll, please…we went to a bouncy house place!

I know, I know, this is totally boring, old news that any self-respecting parent of a child older than a toddler knows. But get this – we paired it with dinner (because this place allows outside food), which actually made the entire experience relaxing.  The kids got their bounce on for an hour while one of us kept half and eye on them, we ate take-out dinner (which was Chinese tonight but will probably be pizza next time), the kids played a bit more, and then we were on our merry way home! Tired and happy kids + relaxed parents who caught up on some reading + no mess to clean up at home = ahhhh… (happy sigh).

Gotta give credit where credit is due: I picked up this tip from a couple of more seasoned moms I saw at the bouncy house last time. While I was trying to figure out how to extricate our kids from all the fun so we could go to dinner, I saw these  two moms with their Costco pizza and was blown away by their genius. After complimenting them on it, I vowed to copy that shit, and I am so glad I did because it is a game changer! Now, a trip to the bouncy house place is a win-win for our family.

All that said, a nap date doesn’t sound too shabby either. 😉

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