Monthly Archives: July 2023

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Hola from Barcelona!

We got a picture at Parc Guell!

For our 2023 summer month abroad, we resurrected our original summer 2020 plan of Barcelona and San Sebastian, and I’m so glad that we did. Barcelona is such a fascinating, compelling, beautiful city!

First impressions:

  • It sure is hot and humid (compared to back home), and we learned to mentally adjust sooner rather than later. One major upside: the humidity has been great for our typically-dry-PNW skin! 😄
  • The food is absolutely delicious! Not a ton of fresh veggie options on restaurant menus, but that’s what grocery runs are for. The kids are eating so well, loving the bread, meat, and seafood.
  • Art is literally everywhere we go. Not only the most famous Gaudi works across the city, but just strolling through the Gothic Quarter and/or El Born, there’s so much gorgeous street art we simply happen upon. Stunning and unexpected juxtapositions to all the surrounding stone and medieval architecture.
  • We need to make siestas a thing in the U.S.! Our extended stay allows us to take things more slowly, so we’ve been leaning fully into the Spanish siesta culture after lunch. Taking naps, watching TV, reading, playing video games have been fantastic downtime compliments to our touristing activities.