Monthly Archives: June 2013

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Oh, Terrific Twos!

My baby is now a full-fledged little girl! I’m still in denial of this fact, and suppressing emotions of sadness that the first two years of my eldest’s life have passed by in what seems like mere minutes. When did she become this imaginative, precocious, curious little sprite who now loves singing “cwinkle, cwinkle, litttle…how I wah wah…” and will let me know “grapes all done, mama” when she’s finished with her snack?

We celebrated this milestone with the few family members we have in the Pacific Northwest, and had a lovely, mellow time just hanging out and catching up. Sydney and my cousin’s daughter, who is about three months younger than Sydney, bonded over not sharing and popsicles. (Note to self: start every kids’ birthday celebration with the sweets; it’ll make everyone happier right off the bat.) We had dance party, and Syd rocked out in her special party dress and birthday crown. The best part, though, came when we gathered around the candlelit cake to sing “Happy Birthday.” Sydney was unabashedly delighted and perhaps even somewhat embarrassed by all of the focused attention, as if she couldn’t believe that all the fuss was for her. She adorably pulled a Sally Field at the Oscars, and covered her mouth with both hands to try to contain her million-watt grin and overflowing giggles. Ushering in her third year of life with unadulterated glee! I felt like the luckiest mama in those moments!

I feel so nostalgic and sentimental about these magical past two years, but they also have me eagerly looking forward to what the future holds for Sydney as she continues to grow into the beautiful, strong, kind person I already know she is.