Daily Archives: May 16, 2013

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Oh Sunny Days!

Sydney Laughing With Lai Lai

Sunny day, sweeping the clouds away… The sun, glorious sun, has been gracing us with its presence in full force. Spring seems to have come early (it’s all relative, right?) in the Pacific Northwest this year, and after a week of a schizophrenic hail/sunshine dance, the Mr. Sunnies has decided to hang out for a while. It’s amazing how much better life is and how much higher spirits rise with brighter, longer days. I feel like a gentler parent, more generous wife, and kinder person overall.

One of the very best benefits of our beautiful spring days is the fact that Sydney and I get to play outside! We’ve taken spontaneous trips to the library, met up with friends at neighborhood parks, visited newborn piglets at a family farm, and spent more time than we ever have before in our backyard (whoohoo!). Now, it’s just a matter of time before we enjoy weeks of uninterrupted warmth and light, then…watch out for the kiddie pool!