Monthly Archives: March 2013

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Feed The Dog


Currently, Sydney’s most favorite activity in the world is feeding Emma. If it were solely up to her, she would feed Emma at least five times a day. She has always been oddly fascinated with how Emma physically sustains herself, watching intently as she gobbles down her kibble and playing with/trying to drink from Emma’s water bowl (way too often for my liking). Hence, the baby gate around poor Emma’s food area for the longest time. It was only recently that Sydney’s physical capacity has matched her desire to play a larger part in Emma’s life.

The whole process just tickles me to no end, and I love-love-love watching her proudly pick up Emma’s food bowl, which is actually larger than her head, walk over to the dog food bin, fill it with a half-cup of food (with just a wee bit of assistance), then bring the bowl back to Emma’s placemat, and set it down. Smiling the whole time. Feeding the dog is such a mundane part of Mr. T and my days, but it brings so much pure joy to Sydney’s day that it’s now an event I look forward to everyday.

Let’s Chat

Sydney_20130113In the span of the last two weeks, Sydney has just turned into the most adorable chatty toddler I’ve ever encountered! Just yesterday, we had a minutes-long “conversation” – i.e. she talking and pointing, and I nodding while making encouraging sounds – where Sydney informed me that Emma had barked at a loud noise that had passed by outside our house.

It’s hard to describe how I felt in that moment, during what I think of as our first “real conversation.” There was mama-pride, delight, surprise, and amusement all mixed up together in the depths of my being. Sydney’s thoughts are now more available to me than ever before! She’s able to express them in ways that I can understand! Hallelujah! Does this mean her tantrums are over? Ha! Not even close.